Need to replicate MS Access Application (Master, Detail / Form, Sub-Form / Parent, Child) in Python

My First Message on this Forum. Kindly pardon me if I have got it mixed up under a wrong category or have not followed formatting or attachment rules, I will learn soon. Thanks.

I am an absolute newbie to Python. I have taken to it lately and am keenly interested to pursue it. Have been reading content from your forums/emails and other sources on the web.

I have been programming with MS Access and have been spoiled for choices when it comes to using the Wizard (at times). I have a program written (crude but works for me) in MS Access that uses Master and Detail Forms for Item Order Management using MS Access Tables as well as tables in MySQL and MariaDB. Have enclosed a screen grab to state my requirements.

Off late I have been trying to learn coding with Python for my above need (using google search for: building Build GUI Programs / Applications with Master Detail Forms using Python) but have not found notes/examples that are similar to MS Access (looking for this to cut down the learning curve and time). I do not seem to be getting any where (dead end) and have lost my way and not sure if I will find any at all. May be I am not using the correct search parameters.

Can you kindly help me with some code snippet for me to get started and learn to do it on my own and also point me in the right direction please. It would be a very encouraging step for me.

Any help would really matter.