Needing help with Step 55

Okay, so this is what I did. I got rid of the “loving” from before and replaced it with just one.

<input id="Loving" type="checkbox">loving
<label for="Loving"</label>

Oh hello!
Almost got it)))
Loving is the text
loving is the attribute.
Right now you are confusing them

<input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving
<label for="Loving"</label>

How bout now?

not sure about this one. It is attribute

I still get this error and I’m out of ideas. At this point, I’m on borrowed answers.

Your checkbox should still have an id attribute with the value loving . You may have removed the attribute or changed its value.

Do you have this right now?

<input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving
<label for="loving"</label>

Yes, I have exactly this.

OK. All important stuff is done, now tests are just messing with your solution probably because of spaces or some kind of syntax.
Try just place this stuff on one line:

<input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving<label for="loving"</label>

Okay, so now I have this:

<input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving<label for="loving"</label>

But now I get this error and not entirely sure what this means?

The text Loving should be nested within the new label element. You have either omitted the text or have a typo.

Type space before Loving

Okay, so this is odd. I still get the same error when I put a space before Loving.

<input id="loving" type="checkbox"> Loving<label for="loving"</label>

Sorry, this one is my bad.

<input id="loving" type="checkbox"> <label for="loving">Loving</label>

I messed up with this space, copy this one.

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OMG it worked!!! I have been stuck on this for three days, appreciate you dealing with me.

I believe test passed?
That was really long one)
Any questions like “why we need this for attribute” or something about what we’ve just coded?

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