New User Introduction - Progress so far

Hey everybody! In my 4th day of learning to code. I’ve taken a few classes in college, but nothing ever seemed to be up to date. I really surveyed all the free boot camps before starting, and I just kept gravitating back to FCC - Everything has been great so far!

It was a bit of head-scratching at first, but I’ve really made an effort to challenge myself before seeking assistance from the very helpful chatroom. Each time got quicker. And now i feel like I am breezing through the challenges at a steady rate. Tons to learn, but this progress is totally assuring! Thank you to FCC and everyone for the help :wink:

  • Stefan

@StefanConnolly That’s awesome Stefan! Keep pushing it. I just got to the Personal Website Project section but taking a deviation to learn more. FCC is awesome but it leaves you wanting to learn more.

Check out your local library to see if they offer a free account on Lynda (mines did)! On Udemy, there are courses from Colt Steel and Rob Percival if you can catch a good sale.
