Newbie learning how to Code

Hey everyone, I’m new at learning how to code. Looking to become a software engineering. Do anybody know any other good tech forums or maybe virtual conventions?

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Hey there @jazzycrandall! Welcome to the FCC forums!

I understand your question and I’ll try to answer them but you also have to understand that I only have experience with FCC forums so my recommendation might be inherently bias.

With that being said I strongly encourage you to continue coming to FCC, it’s one of the most beginner friendly forums out there that’s constantly active and ready to help and give feedback to projects.

For a more professionals forum stack overflow seems nice, but I haven’t been there (other than looking a few threads when trying to solve a problem) and I also haven’t created an account either, so I have no idea what the experience is like over there, but there’s still lots of people ready to help.

As for events I also can’t really tell you anything because I haven’t attended any, but there are tons of online challenges such 100 days of code or the JavaScript project challenge etc…

Hope this helped!

I strongly advise you stick to freeCodeCamp. There are other sites where you could learn the basic concepts of coding, but i believe FCC is the only one which offers advanced curriculum for free, everything else becomes paid at some point

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Thanks so much I was thinking of staying on FCC forum anyway just wanted to know if anyone knew of more.

That’s a good point I haven’t thought about. Thanks

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