No Lessons Yet on How to link HTML and JS


I’m working on the JS Algorithms and Data Structures projects, and I’m a bit surprised that I’ve (almost) completed the curriculum without coming across any lessons on how to link HTML and JS.

Or am I going to learn it in future curricula–I mean, a situation where my algorithms can run on a web page, because right now I can only run them in the VS Code console.

Hi @nzubeifechukwu !

You will learn how to connect HTML, CSS and JavaScript in the front end libraries section.

If you want to start building projects with html ,css and vanilla javascript then you can do JavaScript 30


Just keep in mind that either style property for tags that support it (all HTML tags able to be rendered), the simple CSS (SCSS requires property

<style type="text/scss" src="{uriNameGitHub_SCSS_File_Imported_Here}" [...] crossorigin property if you want [...] ></style>

OR JS Markdown for XML Renderer could be subbed in by…

<script type="text/{javascript, [babel, jsx, react, ... prefetched js renderer markdown file extension here]">[...insert code script for jsx, react, markdown here...]</script>

… ). Keep in mind though that imports in SCSS work more cohesively for most of subsequent projects importing stylesheets, rather than a link tag with the right properties denoting stylesheet and import uri … If you’re using an auto-renderer, like CodePen or Glitch, then this is something to keep in mind…

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I am nearing the the end of the Front End Libraries section and right now I’m overflowing with ideas of integrating everything I learned in the previous certifications using things I learned in the third certification. Like I’m thinking what should and I do and what shouldn’t I do like creating beautiful apps for converting roman numeral, cash register etc. It’s amazing the amount of possibilities you have.

In sinplest terms for things like say converting roman numerals: you create something to take input in using say a form then pass the data that’s taken in to a javascript function then return something back to display in a page. You can do it all within HTML using a language that’s a mixture of Javascript and HTML called JSX easily. The only difference is you put Javascript inside curly rest everything is same. You’ll learn it all in no time. Keep moving forward. I was equally curious as you like how do we use this all in a web page and all.

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React, states, and markup/markdown can allow for more specific instances of dynamic data access (async function / await, XML/JSX, php, etc…), but it can also be a hindrance if you don’t have ideas to base your designs/ frameworks on… Similar, yet different…

For example, using an onclick event handler “onSubmit()” for one/multiple button(s) function injection from JSX scripting inside an HTML file can allow for internal js/jsx/html/css/php handling, or miscellaneous SQL table access, (logins, user handling, CRUD, […], whatever), but it is harder to start.

To improve something, (i.e. mimicry of similar things and/or incorporating those similar ideas in a unique/ new way), is the sincerest form of flattery, I think. This is because it means a great deal of understanding/ respect for the thing that was the progenitor/ original, and duplicating its style to breed something to say impactfully.

This is common in video game design…(e.g. Toby Fox and Undertale mimicking similar JRPG 1980’s-1990’s styles like Dragon Quest, and modifying the premise to allow for monsters to thrive in pacifist route(s) and possible coexistence…)

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You should understand that the part of the curriculum you’re on teaches JS the language. What you’re talking about is an application of that language, not the language itself.

Browsers include a library of Javascript functions and objects, plus methods to make use of those in web pages. That isn’t JavaScript the language, it is something that respectively uses and allows use of the language.

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