Node - triggerUncaughtException

Hey can anyone please solve my problem when i run node . it shows me this i am kinda noob iknow this is a 20 sec work but i am stuck on this for almost 2 weeks please help

Hey! @daacosta @kevinsmith is anyone available?

First of all, please create new threads instead of attaching to old ones.

Second of all, be patient - we are not in some call center paid to wait for your request. We are volunteers who work other jobs. I’m on my lunch break right now.

It looks like the app is making too many API calls and is getting rejected. Do you have a reproduction repo?

Sorry sir for bothering actually i am little messed up, dont know about the reproduction repo i am using it from github repo

OK, what are you trying to do?

i just want to integrate a insta music bot that simply send voice messages to dm from by converting youtube videos, i came to this program around 4 weeks ago spent around 2 weeks to setup as it was showing errors but after setup it was running perfectly as i type node . it connects my ig profile with the bot and it works amazing i barely used it for a day and after another day it started showing this error

OK, so you are trying to integrate that pacakge into your project?

It would be very helpful if you put your project in a github repo so we can test it directly.

I will say that I question the status of that package. It hasn’t been touched in a year and a half. Are you sure it is still in use? That it’s still being maintained?

yeah its not been maintained but when i use it 2 weeks ago for a whole day it was working superb dont know after that what happened

Its showing this error

triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);

IgResponseError: POST /api/v1/accounts/contact_point_prefill/ - 429 Too Many Requests; Please wait a few minutes before you try again.
at Request.handleResponseError (E:\Download\Instagram-music-bot-master\Instagram-music-bot-master\node_modules\instagram-private-api\dist\core\request.js:125:16)
at Request.send (E:\Download\Instagram-music-bot-master\Instagram-music-bot-master\node_modules\instagram-private-api\dist\core\request.js:53:28)
at async AccountRepository.contactPointPrefill (E:\Download\Instagram-music-bot-master\Instagram-music-bot-master\node_modules\instagram-private-api\dist\repositories\account.repository.js:262:26)

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