Not smart enough to be a programmer

Really motivating words!
I’ll start taking notes as well. It seems like a nice thing to do.

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One of the first steps at getting better at anything is realizing what you can get better. The next part is where a lot of people “just walk away from the problem”, which is putting in the work to get better. How you go about getting better is its own challenge that is different for everyone, but there is almost always a path forward.

That path of getting better might be rough, it might be hard, it might feel impossible at times, but there is almost always a path.

Doing anything hard or complicated, like programming, requires hard work. It requires time, patience, grinding, and most of all, it requires failure. Failure in the sense what you initially want to do doesn’t work out, but it doesn’t stop you, rather you keep trying, keep learning, keep at it until you eventually “get it”. Simply put programming is difficult. There are usually a few ways to do something that work, and a infinite ways to screw it up. This is true when your just starting and true when you have years of experience under your belt.

Focus on what you perceive to be your deficiencies and keep grinding them down so you improve. Its one thing to say “I can’t do this” and another to say “I can’t do this… yet”.

Good luck, keep learning, keep building, keep struggling, keep grinding :+1:


Thanks a lot for the motivating words.

I am a slow thinker and learner as well. But I turned into a strength. In order to learn, I had to “translate” into my own thinking. Once translated I did understand.

The strength is that I have slowly been able to “translate” faster and faster. And when I can translate a problem, I can also teach others and solve rather complicated problems.


Yes really relatable. I have my own thinking language.
Thankfully, I’m able to “translate” to that language really easily.


Thanks a lot for the advice!

I believe what you are going through is the Dunning Kruger effect…

The best thing I suggest is just keep plowing through it without the regard to the perceived slim odds of becoming a good developer

The intellects will perish, and the stubborn shall inherit the earth


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Thanks for the advice. The graph(ig that’s wut its called, idk) represents what I’m going through very well! THANKS A LOT!!

Developers are pretty good at hiding their insecurities because it’s seen as a weakness. But if you ask them (after a beer or two maybe) they will tell you they don’t always feel like they know what they are doing.

Some days you just can’t get anything right, other days you are on a roll. Most days are somewhere in between thinking your an idiot or ruling the world. It’s a bit unsettling but I don’t think we can avoid it.


Oh, that’s nice to hear! I feel like this makes me a feel a lot better about myself, now I understand that it’s perfectly normal. And even REAL developers feel this way.

Lol so relatable

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