Number Guessing Game - Build a Number Guessing Game

Tell us what’s happening:

As many others, I also have a problem with unit test #8 and am trying to figure out where my mistake is.

My unit test #8

  • If that username has been used before, it should print Welcome back, <username>! You have played <games_played> games, and your best game took <best_game> guesses., with <username> being a users name from the database, <games_played> being the total number of games that user has played, and <best_game> being the fewest number of guesses it took that user to win the game

is failing.

Surprisingly, the fourth-last test

  • When the secret number is guessed, your script should print You guessed it in <number_of_guesses> tries. The secret number was <secret_number>. Nice job! and finish running

is only passing if i exit my script before the insert statement (which should be wrong in my case).

Could anyone help me out? Thank you very much.

These are my relations for games

                                              Table ""
      Column       |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                Default                 
 game_id           | integer                     |           | not null | nextval('games_game_id_seq'::regclass)
 user_id           | integer                     |           |          | 
 number_of_guesses | integer                     |           | not null | 
 played_on         | timestamp without time zone |           |          | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
    "games_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (game_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "games_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id)

and for users

                                       Table "public.users"
  Column  |         Type          | Collation | Nullable |                Default                 
 user_id  | integer               |           | not null | nextval('users_user_id_seq'::regclass)
 username | character varying(22) |           | not null | 
    "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (user_id)
    "users_username_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (username)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "games" CONSTRAINT "games_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id)

Your code so far


PSQL="psql --username=freecodecamp --dbname=number_guessing_game -t --no-align -c"

echo "Enter your username:"

USER_ID=$($PSQL "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username='$USERNAME';")

if [[ -z $USER_ID ]]; then
  $PSQL "INSERT INTO users(username) VALUES('$USERNAME');"
  USER_ID=$($PSQL "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username='$USERNAME';")
  echo "Welcome, $USERNAME! It looks like this is your first time here."
  GAMES_PLAYED=$($PSQL "SELECT COUNT(game_id) FROM games WHERE user_id=$USER_ID;")
  BEST_GAME=$($PSQL "SELECT MIN(number_of_guesses) FROM games WHERE user_id=$USER_ID;")

  echo "Welcome back, $USERNAME! You have played $GAMES_PLAYED games, and your best game took $BEST_GAME guesses."

SECRET_NUMBER=$(( RANDOM % 1000 + 1 ))

echo "Guess the secret number between 1 and 1000: "

while true; do
  read GUESS

  if ! [[ "$GUESS" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
    echo "That is not an integer, guess again:"


  if [[ $GUESS -lt $SECRET_NUMBER ]]; then
    echo "It's higher than that, guess again:"
  elif [[ $GUESS -gt $SECRET_NUMBER ]]; then
    echo "It's lower than that, guess again:"
    echo "You guessed it in $NUMBER_OF_GUESSES tries. The secret number was $SECRET_NUMBER. Nice job!"
    $PSQL "INSERT INTO games(user_id, number_of_guesses) VALUES('$USER_ID', '$NUMBER_OF_GUESSES');"

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Challenge Information:

Number Guessing Game - Build a Number Guessing Game

put the insert before the last message as the test is expecting you to exit immediately after printing the last message.

Also make sure to count all the guesses, even the ones that are not numbers.

Thank you. I changed in the following way but the test is still failing

while true; do
  read GUESS


  if ! [[ "$GUESS" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
    echo "That is not an integer, guess again:"


Can I see somehow which test is failing? Thank you very much for your help!

have you tried to move the insert so it happens in the line above the “You guessed it”?

I don’t know how to make the tests show their results. I heard you can run them yourself.

Actually, when I move the insert statement before the echo command, i.e.

    $PSQL "INSERT INTO games(user_id, number_of_guesses) VALUES('$USER_ID', '$NUMBER_OF_GUESSES');"
    echo "You guessed it in $NUMBER_OF_GUESSES tries. The secret number was $SECRET_NUMBER. Nice job!"

then not only test case #8 is failing, but also this one

  • When the secret number is guessed, your script should print You guessed it in <number_of_guesses> tries. The secret number was <secret_number>. Nice job! and finish running

Any idea what is going wrong here? I also wiped the database and recreated it and its tables, but I am receiving the same errors. This is why I would be curious to see the test results.

This suggests something else is wrong.

I suggest that you hard code the guess number to 9. Then run the code and make exactly 11 guesses. Guess starting from 0 to 9 in order but include one bad guess in there. (So total should be 11)

Go ahead and and capture that output with something like;

./ 2>&1 | tee output.txt and then please copy the output.txt here for us thx.

Ps. Make sure you test the new version of the script. And share the full code again with corrections.

Not quite sure if I am following but I tried to fulfill your question.


PSQL="psql --username=freecodecamp --dbname=number_guessing_game -t --no-align -c"

echo "Enter your username:"

USER_ID=$($PSQL "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username='$USERNAME';")

if [[ -z $USER_ID ]]; then
  $PSQL "INSERT INTO users(username) VALUES('$USERNAME');"
  USER_ID=$($PSQL "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username='$USERNAME';")
  echo "Welcome, $USERNAME! It looks like this is your first time here."
  GAMES_PLAYED=$($PSQL "SELECT COUNT(game_id) FROM games WHERE user_id=$USER_ID;")
  BEST_GAME=$($PSQL "SELECT MIN(number_of_guesses) FROM games WHERE user_id=$USER_ID;")

  echo "Welcome back, $USERNAME! You have played $GAMES_PLAYED games, and your best game took $BEST_GAME guesses."

# SECRET_NUMBER=$(( RANDOM % 1000 + 1 ))

echo "Guess the secret number between 1 and 1000: "

while true; do
  read GUESS


  if ! [[ "$GUESS" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
    echo "That is not an integer, guess again:"

  if [[ $GUESS -lt $SECRET_NUMBER ]]; then
    echo "It's higher than that, guess again:"
  elif [[ $GUESS -gt $SECRET_NUMBER ]]; then
    echo "It's lower than that, guess again:"
    $PSQL "INSERT INTO games(user_id, number_of_guesses) VALUES('$USER_ID', '$NUMBER_OF_GUESSES');"
    echo "You guessed it in $NUMBER_OF_GUESSES tries. The secret number was $SECRET_NUMBER. Nice job!"

and here is output.txt

Enter your username:
Welcome back, helloworld! You have played 1 games, and your best game took 11 guesses.
Guess the secret number between 1 and 1000: 
It's higher than that, guess again:
It's higher than that, guess again:
It's higher than that, guess again:
It's higher than that, guess again:
It's higher than that, guess again:
It's higher than that, guess again:
It's higher than that, guess again:
That is not an integer, guess again:
It's higher than that, guess again:
It's higher than that, guess again:
You guessed it in 11 tries. The secret number was 9. Nice job!

I hope this helps. At least it does not seem like any error was produced.

there you go
This would be one reason why the test fails
You need to get rid of this line.


oh of course :slight_smile: thank you so much for all your dedicated assistance :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: