Number Guessing Game - Build a Number Guessing Game

Tell us what’s happening:

Num guess game: CodeRoad tasks(8, 11, 13 and 16) aren’t registering as completed.

Your code so far

PSQL="psql --username=freecodecamp --dbname=number_guess -t --no-align -c"

  echo "Enter your username:" 
  read NAME
  #USER=$($PSQL "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE username='$NAME'")

  #If username prompted is within parameters
  if [[ $n -gt 22 ]] || [[ $n -le 0 ]]
    echo "The username must be less than or equal to 22 characters and greater than 0."
    USER_NAME=$($PSQL "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='$NAME'")
    #check if username is in database
    if [[ ! -z $USER_NAME ]]
      #if username is in database than return the amount of games played and best game results
      USER_ID=$($PSQL "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username = '$USER_NAME'")
      GAMES_PLAYED=$($PSQL "SELECT game_frequency FROM users WHERE user_id = $USER_ID")
      BEST_GAME=$($PSQL "SELECT MIN(best_guess) FROM games WHERE user_id = $USER_ID") 

      if [[ -z $BEST_GAME ]] 

      echo "Welcome back, $USER_NAME! You have played $GAMES_PLAYED games, and your best game took $BEST_GAME guesses."
      #If the username has not been used before
      echo -e "\nWelcome, $USER_NAME! It looks like this is your first time here."

  #script to generate a random number between 1 and 1000
  CORRECT_ANSWER=$(( $RANDOM % 1000 + 1 ))


  echo "Guess the secret number between 1 and 1000:"
  if [[ ! $USER_GUESS =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
    #if input anything else than an integer
    echo "That is not an integer, guess again:"
    echo "It's higher than that, guess again."
  elif [[ $USER_GUESS -gt $CORRECT_ANSWER ]]
    echo "It's lower than that, guess again."
    echo "You guessed it in $GUESS_COUNT tries. The secret number was $USER_GUESS. Nice job!"

#function to store user information in database
  #initialise variables to be used in function
  #check for name in database
  CHECK_NAME=$($PSQL "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='$USER_NAME'")
  #if it is not database, store it
  if [[ -z $CHECK_NAME ]]
    INSERT_NEW_USER=$($PSQL "INSERT INTO users(username, game_frequency) VALUES ('$USER_NAME', 1)")
  #else return and store the amount of games played
    GET_GAMES_PLAYED=$(( $($PSQL "SELECT game_frequency FROM users WHERE username='$USER_NAME'") + 1))
    UPDATE_EXIST_USER=$($PSQL "UPDATE users SET game_frequency=$GET_GAMES_PLAYED WHERE username='$USER_NAME'")


  USER_ID=$($PSQL "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username='$USER_NAME'")
  if [[ ! -z $USER_ID ]]
    INSERT_GAME=$($PSQL "INSERT INTO games(user_id, best_guess) VALUES ($USER_ID, $NUMBER_OF_GUESSES)")
    echo "Error: User ID not found for username $USER_NAME." 

![num guess game|685x500](upload://5rlqIbdA35PsNckhVjsvAR1Yd4L.png)

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Challenge Information:

Number Guessing Game - Build a Number Guessing Game

Hi @Ray3

So the forum can help debug, please list the failing tests.

Happy coding

Good day Teller and the forum, hope this message finds you well. The failing tasks are 8. (The welcome message, you have been here before and returns previous games stats.), if someone is willling to provide description of task 11, 13 and 16 respectively, I will be eternally grateful. Unfortunately I will only get back to you next month, I have run out of git pod credits. Lol just needed the last program to run.

Hi @Ray3

  1. Create a number_guessing_game folder in the project folder for your program
  2. Create in your number_guessing_game folder and give it executable permissions
  3. Your script should have a shebang at the top of the file that uses #!/bin/bash
  4. Turn the number_guessing_game folder into a git repository
  5. Your git repository should have at least five commits
  6. Your script should randomly generate a number that users have to guess
  7. When you run your script, you should prompt the user for a username with Enter your username:, and take a username as input. Your database should allow usernames that are 22 characters
  8. If that username has been used before, it should print Welcome back, <username>! You have played <games_played> games, and your best game took <best_game> guesses., with <username> being a users name from the database, <games_played> being the total number of games that user has played, and <best_game> being the fewest number of guesses it took that user to win the game
  9. If the username has not been used before, you should print Welcome, <username>! It looks like this is your first time here.
  10. The next line printed should be Guess the secret number between 1 and 1000: and input from the user should be read
  11. Until they guess the secret number, it should print It’s lower than that, guess again: if the previous input was higher than the secret number, and It’s higher than that, guess again: if the previous input was lower than the secret number. Asking for input each time until they input the secret number.
  12. If anything other than an integer is input as a guess, it should print That is not an integer, guess again:
  13. When the secret number is guessed, your script should print You guessed it in <number_of_guesses> tries. The secret number was <secret_number>. Nice job! and finish running
  14. The message for the first commit should be Initial commit
  15. The rest of the commit messages should start with fix:, feat:, refactor:, chore:, or test:
  16. You should finish your project while on the main branch, your working tree should be clean, and you should not have any uncommitted changes

What is the purpose of this variable?

If the user already exists in the database, then an integer should also exist for the best game.

Not sure why you are passing variables after an incorrect guess. Your script is also displaying the "Guess the secret number …" message, after each guess. I don’t think that is mentioned in the instructions.

That variable doesn’t look like the right one to use.

Make sure your tree is clean, and all changes are committed.

Here is an article on Gitpod usage you may find helpful.

Happy coding

The n variable I put there when started the writing, it’s a habit I have when I declare an int variable, it is unnecessary.

I know that if a user already exists in the database, then an integer should also exist for best game, I did that because I had two different tables games and users, but there was inconsistencies calling the foreign column user_id and matching it to game_id.

I was passing variables after each function to all main function know which variables should be returned. I thought it was just good practice to prompt the user to guess the secret number until they guess the correct number.

The variable should be $CORRECT_ANSWER or $USER_GUESS because at the point in the if statement, they are equal.

I save and run tree after each change.

But I think I have to start again because, my gitpod workspace was deleted after 14 days, I don’t see my file in my github repositories. I must have not saved it. The dump file seems to be inaccessible. If I redo it I want to try and make it from one table, I had plenty issues getting the separate tables to function together using JOIN. I don’t see it in the code I posted here.

to avoid that, pin the workspace in gitpod

Im aware but the gitpod credits ran out so quickly, just before my last exercise needed a little help. It was so frustrating I was thinking clearly.