Object Oriented Programming - Extend Constructors to Receive Arguments

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I have the numLegs to 4
but it still saying that I have to set numLegs a value of 4

Your code so far

function Dog (name, color, numLegs) {
  this.name = name;
  this.color = color;
  this.numLegs = numLegs;

const terrier = new Dog("Mag", "black", 4)

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Challenge: Object Oriented Programming - Extend Constructors to Receive Arguments

Link to the challenge:

You are not passing because you din’t follow the directions.

The directions say : " Pass it two strings as arguments for the name and color properties."

But you have three strings.

Also, the directions say " set it up to take the parameters name and color , and have the property numLegs fixed at 4."

But you created 3 parameters and numLegs is not fixed at 4."

Once you fix those things, then it will pass

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