One year of FCC gave me my first job as a Front End developer

This was very encouraging! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story.

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Maneiro, cara. Meus parabéns.


Your portfolio looks great!

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Cara precisava conversar com vc estou numa situacao bem parecida, entrando em depressao ja, se puder dar um alo agradeceria

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:raising_hand_man: Let me know if you need any help, i’m right around the corner!

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I know your pain haha my schedules were very limited. Some days I could study for 6 hours, but on the hard days I could get 1h, 30min or less. I was very frustrated on the days I could not study at all. Sometimes I was tired for certain tasks, so I tried to read an article, edit some README…anything. Do not stick too much to other people’s schedules, try to do the best you can within your limitations. Sometimes it is very frustrating to see people who can dedicate themselves exclusively to code practicing, but we do not have that choice, I didnt. I finished all Front End projects before starting to apply for jobs, that was my goal, because somehow I thought it would make me more secure. But it’s a very personal thing, some people can do less and feel ready to get jobs. Its up to you :slight_smile:


@Errec parabéns pela sua garra. Eu sou pai de 2 crianças 8 e 6 anos, quero começar a trabalhar como desenvolvedor e há 1 ano estudo inglês e há 5 meses estudo programação todos os dias. Já sabia alguma coisa de outras linguagens, mas meu foco hoje é 100% javascript, para me tornar um expert. Tenho 29 anos, às vezes me sinto velho para iniciar novamente uma carreira. Mas eu sei que quando sonhamos algo, devemos buscar.
Novamente parabéns e muito sucesso na sua carreira. Uma hora dessas podemos acabar se vendo por aí.

Tá mt novo, nao se preocupa com isso! Nas minhas buscas de emprego nunca me senti rejeitado pela idade, em muitos casos nem perguntavam.
Mas, pra mim, você fez a melhor escolha, estudar ingles é tao ou mais importante quanto saber bem uma linguagem de programaçao. Eu sempre me senti privilegiado em aprender atraves dos melhores recursos pq sei ingles. Existe mt coisa boa em portugues, mas nao chega perto do material disponivel em ingles. Continua assim. E é o que voce disse, correndo atras voce consegue
Pode chamar se preisar de ajuda. Se ajudar, me adiciona no linkedin!

Muito legal. Aliás tentei de adicionar no linkedin mas não permitiu. Tenho que enviar um inmail e não sou premium linkedin. Se conseguir me adicionar segue o link

Um forte abraço e bom final de semana.

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Awesome story. My journey is just beginning. Congrats on your hard work and success ! ! ! !

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Good luck! Keep us on tack of your progress, the feedback was great for me, the FCC community is amazing

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You got it pal ! ! !

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this is so inspirational!! congratulations!!


Someone rightly said-

“When going gets tough, the tough get going.”

Congratulations on getting your new job.

I’m just starting my journey.I want to learn full stack development within 1 year. Your story will serve as an inspiration for me.

I’ve bookmarked this thread. Not only for your story, but also for the resources you have added in this thread.

Please keep helping. There’s so much we can learn from people like you who have already done it. Thanks


Woao. Excellent. I try to learn Code. I am System Enginner but I was work as Bussines Man in an Bank about 10 years. Only since one year ago I started to job in Oracle Dev in a Insurance Company. I hope to show yours my future. Thanks a lot. Sorry for my English.

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Thanks! Take a look at @P1xt guide if you’re pursuing the back end path. It’s great I got some advices from him


Great! It’s an amazing opportunity. Java is really amazing for any kind of field (expect front end haha). Lots of java developers working with me, most of them building Android apps. Try to create a personal project on GitHub even if you work with private repos at your company. It’s a good thing to show if you want to find a new job in the future. Everybody asked me about my GitHub!

Cara, idade realmente não é um impeditivo. Eu saí de uma carreira de 6 anos em marketing para o desenvolvimento web (backend) com 28 anos. Algumas empresas me perguntaram a idade, mas em nenhum momento em clima de reprovação, só por curiosidade mesmo. Tenho outros amigos mais velhos que também mudaram de carreira e nunca foi um problema.

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Hey man, thank you so much for the amazing story and for being a great inspiration for so many of us.
It’s amazing how your path on the beginning looks so much like what I’m going through right now!
I’m turning 30 in six months, abandoned development all together 6 years ago and now, out of necessity and passion, I’m getting back on track.
I started with Java, then python, then Ruby… and had no idea about a good path to follow since all of the job requirements were so overwhelming!
It was not until I’ve seen Quincy Larson on a YouTube interview that I finally found a place that would give me a road to follow. Something that really made sense…
I’m now spending my time learning from every part of the course and complementing it with extra classes from different sources.
But freecodeacademy really gave me what I was looking for as far as direction goes and I can’t be more thankful for it!

Your post makes me feel even better because we all ask ourselves if age is going to be in the way since so many people talk about starting late on the business… You’re just proving that this is nothing but bull****

Thanks man. That’s a great story.

PS: Também sou brasileiro, de Minas Gerais.
Moro na Flórida e émuito bacana ver que somos muitos aqui na comunidade. Parabéns pela conquista e continue sempre assim, cara! Você com certeza vai longe!

I’m starting to see that this is the fate of programmer: there are so many technologies in every lvl of your career. I was overwhelmed by the number of languages, media possibilities, text editors. Now I need to chose a framework, choose a paradigm. I wish I had a FCC build a path for each new fork :joy:

Opa! Cheio de brasileiros por aqui, que nem em Miami…haha Passei na Florida mes passado! Minha proxima meta é tentar trabalhar fora do pais, quem sabe ano que vem posto sobre isso auqi no FCC haha Pode contar comigo Evandro, sinta-se a vontade pra me add nas midias sociais ou linkedins da vida. Se eu puder ajudar em algo é so falar, boa sorte na sua jornada!