Only half of the test is right: Testing Objects for Properties

Tell us what’s happening:
So I think there is something wrong with the if statement I am using
Although I am getting no errors the code seems to completly ignore the if block
I tested it out somewhere else
My 1st idea was that it was a type error since it may not recognize the string? and skip over it. but, then most likely a type error would show
then i found that i had not used checkProp and replaced it
but now only half the test is incorect so for some reason whatever is in checkProp is not check over correctly
I added my previouse code and the error message i got as well to this post

checkObj({gift: "pony", pet: "kitten", bed: "sleigh"}, "pet") should return "kitten" .


checkObj({gift: "pony", pet: "kitten", bed: "sleigh"}, "house") should return "Not Found" .

let checkProp = "hello";
function checkObj(obj, checkProp) {
  // Only change code below this line
if (checkObj.hasOwnProperty(checkProp)) ;
  return "Not Found";

  // Only change code above this line

Your code so far

function checkObj(obj, checkProp) {
// Only change code below this line
if (myObj.hasOwnProperty(checkProp)) ;

return "Not Found";


// Only change code above this line

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Challenge: Testing Objects for Properties

Link to the challenge:

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Neither checkObj nor myObj are obj.

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Thank I also realize that I did not return it right