Passing The "Welcome Back..." Task in Build A Number Guessing Game RDB Course


I am having trouble passing the task:

If that username has been used before, it should print Welcome back, <username>! You have played <games_played> games, and your best game took <best_game> guesses. , with <username> being a users name from the database, <games_played> being the total number of games that user has played, and <best_game> being the fewest number of guesses it took that user to win the game

The code below comes in the else statement after a check to see if the username exists in the database.

Current Code
GAMES_PLAYED_RESULT=$($PSQL "select COUNT(games_id) FROM games inner join users using(user_id) where username='$USERNAME'")
  BEST_GAME_RESULT=$($PSQL "select min(number_of_guesses) from games inner join users using(user_id) where username='$USERNAME'")
  echo "Welcome back $USERNAME! You have played $GAMES_PLAYED_RESULT games, and your best game took $BEST_GAME_RESULT guesses."

When I play the game I get the following output:

Enter your username:
Welcome back willhouse! You have played 3 games, and your best game took 2 guesses.
Guess the secret number between 1 and 1000:
It’s lower than that, guess again:

It’s higher than that, guess again:
It’s lower than that, guess again:

It’s higher than that, guess again:
You guessed it in 11 tries. The secret number was 64. Nice job!

Am I missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

It looks like there’s a comma missing in the message after ‘Welcome back’. Let me know if that’s the problem.

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:clap: That was it. Once I fixed the grammatical error the tests went through 100%!!!

Thank you @moT01.

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hi @moT01 I’m facing the same issue. there are no grammatical errors. All the tests pass except this one.

did you solve it? I also have this problem.