Personal Portfolio FCC project

ok so this is my first one. I tried to get it pretty similar to the FCC challenge one. I ended up doing media query for mobile tablet and pc, Any tips or advice is appreciated

FCC Personal Portfolio

Hi Dayna, good job! I would

center your intro text in the middle of the page on first view.
center your footer and give it some padding.

Great job !

I agree with the advice of shimphillip, you should vertically center your text in the intro. :+1:
Oh, and make sure to correctly comment or remove the text at the end of your html code to prevent it to appear in your web page:

For now, the test suite only works in Chrome! Please read the README below in the JS Editor before beginning. Feel free to delete this message once you have read it. Good luck and Happy Coding! 

- The freeCodeCamp Team 


Thanks. I shall get right on that. Appreciate the input

Thanks i’ll check that out and oh lol i forgot about that thanks :smiley: