Hi there, I’ve just completed this challenge, I would love some constructive feedback. Thanks
I haven’t added the Media queries yet. Just wanted to do a simple page using bootstrap.
Hi there, I’ve just completed this challenge, I would love some constructive feedback. Thanks
I haven’t added the Media queries yet. Just wanted to do a simple page using bootstrap.
Hi! This is a good starting point. Some portfolio imgs overflows out of the div (e.g. the orange lantern). You should set for them ‘max-height:220px’ (instead of height), and ‘max-width:100%’. You should also add the collapse feature to your navbar. On small screen device the top banner becomes too small: you could remove ‘the margin:0 !important’ rule and set its width to something like 115vw.
Thank you for the feedback. I’ve corrected the height and it works perfectly now. I think I’ll wait until I get to media queries section (if there is one) before changing the menu to do it correctly.