Please rate my updated portfolio

This is my portfolio after completing the front-end certification and I would appreciate any feedback.

I’m currently looking for a remote front-end developer job, so please let me know if there’s anything I should add or fix.

Also, feel free to post your portfolio here as well and I’ll look at it.



Really nice and clean design. Forms needs some work I think and Portfolio tiles must have some margins between them. I like how it slides on right to show the preview of your works and yeah it’s performance wise it is very smooth. :slight_smile:

My Portfolio Here
I am also looking for some remote work hope you find it soon. Best of luck.

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I like the opening animation a lot.

The text blocks seem too wide. If you’re using Bootstrap, I’d just take up less columns with them. Generally, you don’t want to go over 75 characters per line for readability.

I’d also display your projects a little differently, with more space in between them. Scrolling is free, I wouldn’t worry about using too much vertical space. Maybe two projects per line? Three at the most.

These are just suggestions, of course.

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Thanks so much for the feedback, Nawazish! I think I will rearrange my project tiles to 2-3 per line with space between them and I’ll try some different things with my forms.

All I can say about your portfolio is wow. It’s awesome. The animations are really nice and I like how everything fades in as it appears in the viewport. And your design is so clean. I’m inspired to step my game up after seeing your portfolio, haha. I wish I had more constructive feedback for you, but honestly I don’t see anything to change.

Good luck in your job hunt and thanks again!

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Thank you, slocodemonkey! I agree about the text blocks being too wide, so I will definitely change them up.

Also, yes, four projects per line probably is a little much, and space between them would make them look better and more distinguishable. Good suggestions.

Thanks again for the feedback! I really appreciate it!

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Feedback is still welcomed :smiley: I am glad you got inspired. Thanks for appreciation. Hoping to see an updated version of yours soon.

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@ColtonBoston Great job. I liked your work. But some thing that I noticed is that when i move to about section etc. then it should active the about etc. anchor in the navbar, but in your page it didn’t. Also when I slide down to other sections it should make active repective anchor. You may take help from my portfolio page.

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