Hello everyone, It would be very appreciated if you can review my portfolio and give me a feedback : www.moustafaragheb.com
Thank you so much in advance
Hi there!
Great looking website. I have only one suggestion. For mobile phones give the navigation links some padding from right side in the dropdown menu.
That is a great suggestion, how about the projects, also am I ready to apply for jobs with that portfolio website?! And what is the chances for me to land a job with that portfolio? Sorry to ask many questions
To apply for a job, I think you haven’t should have more complex projects to stand out among job applicants.
As a beginner, you can try as freelancer on Upwork, Fiverr etcetera.
your story is remarkable and unique: Running a successful restaurant while finishing your CS degree. Make this the focus of your site (including your projects), showing both your education and business skills. It’s a story most people hiring won’t come across often.
You don’t need the rest of the projects, the majority are bootcamp level anyway and not worthy of a CS bachelor imho.
If you still want to add great projects, check John Crickett’s coding challenges:
Best of luck
Thank you so much Hasan for the recommendation
Thank you very very much Daniel for taking the time to navigate and read the about page. I will definitely take into consideration your feedback
Hi there,
First of all, great job on publishing your website, that’s a good starting point for learning and taking things on.
Are you looking for code feedback or just design? If you would also like code feedback, could you please provide the link to the repository?
In terms of design and the website, here are some suggestions. I will split them in sections to make things easier to read.
I’m sorry if this is too long, but I hope you will find this helpful.
- Consider making the website one page (Home, About, Projects, Achievements and Job Offers)
- I would rename Jobs Offers to Contact Me or Hire Me, and would place it in the end as the last section.
- I’m not sure how the website is built, but if you’re not using React, I would highly recommend doing that.
- When a user goes to any of the sections (About, Projects, Job Offers, Achievements), there’s no way to go back to the home page without the browser back button.
- Consider using consistent header design across pages. Meaning that if your navigation is at the top most, it should stay like this for all pages.
Your navigation items (About, Projects, Job Offers and Achievements) have no way of showing they’re highlighted. Consider adding a pointer as a cursor to indicate that links are clickable, and a hover state when user hovers over items for better user interaction.
- Your homepage looks good, and it’s a good things to add animation. In my opinion, the animation is a little bit slow, and I would consider shortening the duration just a little bit.
- Like navigation items, consider adding a pointer as a cursor for better user interaction.
- When I went to your Github profile, I saw that you have a number of public repositories, and that’s good. You want to draw attention to these and make them easily available.
- I suggest removing the project details page altogether, and restricting yourself to the project list page.
- I would include the following in your projects list page for each item:
- Project image
- Project title
- Project short description (3 or 4 lines max)
- TechStack (Optional, like Javascript, React, etc.)
- Button for Github repo (if available)
- Button for live link or website (if available)
- This will allow your website viewers to see important details about your projects, and if they want to find out more, they can view your source code or live link.
Those are just some quick things I could think about.
I would suggest search on Github for portfolio examples to get some ideas for coding and design.
I hope you find this helpful, and I would love to help out more if needed.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for the detailed feedback I will definitely consider all of these points. Although for going back to the home you could’ve clicked on the logo, it will take you back home right away. Other than that I will take your feedback into consideration and will look into all the points that you have mentioned in your comment. Thank you so much again