Plotting in Python with 1 column of data & number of occurrences in the data

Hey y’all long time no see,

Nothing serious but Im playing around with dataframes using Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. One thing I’d like to see with my video game data (thank you Kaggle), is the years min to max (so range is 1980-2020), on the X axis, while the Y axis is the number of times the data is repeated, number of occurrences, what have you. Is that a thing? Basically im only using a single column but would like to use its data in two ways, and im not sure if its possible or what. if it matters, i have cleaned and sorted the data already and it is ready to plot. So my curiosity is to see what year(s) produced the most games. if it matters: this DF contains over 16,000 rows of data, so its not small at all, but i think the year ranges are narrow enough, and the Y axis for occurrences can be scaled just fine. just not sure of the syntax on using a such an idea. TYIA, and hope i explained it well, I dont have any code to share because i havent found anything that remotely works for this yet, but i did read the Doc. on matplotlib and pandas…


Hi, you can use Google Colab, the free online jupyter notebook by Google, to share your code. :grinning:

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