Pls help my script isn't passing

const myNoun = “dog”;

const myAdjective = “big”;

const myVerb = “ran”;

const myAdverb = “quickly”;

// Only change code below this line

const wordBlanks = "The " + "myadjective " + "black " + "myNoun " + "myVerb " + “very” + “myAdverb.”; // Change this line

// Only change code above this line

this is the error im getting: wordBlanks should contain all of the words assigned to the variables myNoun , myVerb , myAdjective and myAdverb separated by non-word characters (and any additional words in your madlib).
pls help

You are not supposed to put quotes around the variables.
Check if your casing is correct.
It would be good if you could post a link to the challenge.

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thanks imma try this now

heres the link:

when the quotes are removed it doesn’t work at all

Also don’t forget to put spacing between each word.

You can use console.log(wordBlanks)

Please post your code.

the result comes out:
The myAdjective ____ myNoun myVerb ____ myAdverb.

but its still failing me :smiling_face_with_tear:

Can you post your updated code

const wordBlanks = "The " +
"myAdjective " + '____ ’ + "myNoun " + "myVerb " + '____ ’ + “myAdverb.” ;


You have to remove the quotes from the const variables in the wordBlanks

const wordBlanks = " The " + myAdjective + " text " + …

const wordBlanks = "The " +
myAdjective + ’ ____ ’ + myNoun + myVerb + ’ ____ ’ + myAdverb ;

result: The big ____ dogran ____ quickly

it still fails me :smiling_face_with_tear:

Replace the “____” with some text.
Then give me the result

but i think imma move on and do the other challenges and come back to it thanks for the help bro :relieved:

cool lemme do that rn

have you made sure you have put spaces after and before the text("__")

I think the problem is that you have to add text after myNoun also

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thanks bro it passed

final script: const wordBlanks = "The " + myAdjective + " black " + myNoun + " surprisingly " + myVerb + " very " + myAdverb ;

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now you are missing spaces

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