Pls someone should help me to analyze this cos its not working

i left it like that at first, its still saying the same thing

You have two colons in that line. You must have only one. There is no extra colon in the example:

hsl(0, 100%, 50%)

What is your current code where you have fixed this problem?

The div element with class green should have a background-color of green.

The div element with class cyan should have a background-color of cyan.

The div element with class blue should have a background-color of blue.

That does not say to change the class. You are specify the background-color of the class in the style portion.

i have not fixed it. i got tired and jumped it

is <div> displaying background color?

Do you still want to fix this? Your code is mostly there, you just need to follow the directions more closely.

it has something like this:


yes i want to fix it. even though i jumped it, am still angry i can’t solve this

Ok, then you need to

  1. Remove the second colon in these lines:
  1. Put the original code here instead of this changed code:

Once you have done this, please post your updated code if you are still having trouble.

no, I am asking is it displaying color in the output

@pranav1597 ,no it is not

Did you make the changes we told you to do?

its not working.

Please post your full code instead of a picture.

It looks like you didn’t change what we said. If you are going to ignore what we tell you, it will take a very long time of us to be able to help.

pls help me look the last capture i did cos this problem is giving me headache

Yes. I looked at the picture.

First, please don’t post pictures. Post your actual code.

Second, you still need to fix the two things we told you to fix. You have a second colon between hsl and ( that needs to be removed. You changed the class and that needs to be undone.

Please try to do those two fixes and post your updated code (not a picture of your code!).

  body {
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
  .green {
    background-color:hsl:(120, 100%, 50%);
  .cyan {
    background-color:hsl:(180, 100%, 50%);
  .blue {
    background-color:hsl:(240, 100%, 50%);
  div {
    display: inline-block;
    height: 100px;
    width: 100px;

<div class="green"</div>
<div class="cyan"</div>
<div class="blue"</div>

Jeremy still not working