Pocahontas123 Tribute page Feed Back

i need some feedback on my html/css. I don’t have good practice so things are not done the right way.
FCC courses miss a lot of css basic project best practice. Like how to do a good footer. Generaly, how to create a good page with every thing put at the right place the good way.

JSFiddle link: https://jsfiddle.net/poca123/bg6ayzjs/
CodePen link: https://codepen.io/pocahontas123/full/rpLjLX/

what it look like:

After this, i want to make it responsive with media queries. I need every advices you can give me

ps: don’t be to rude on the english tribute text. I like to read stuff but i’m a big noob at resuming/explaining thing (and it bored me xD)

Up guys !!! Have a nice day

Ok, so today i learned some basics on how work git and github.
Here my github:

I did some change over the body and footer interaction. It’s not how i wanted it to be but it work good this way…
I found code on the internet to do this.
The f ooter is good but now it’s not full width and no more space between the two background color of the tribute/footer.
If you could give me some tips ?