Pomodoro Clock issue with delay in timer

Hey guys,

Basically when the work clock runs down and switches to the break clock, the minute digit runs a negative digit just for a brief second before switching to the proper countdown. I noticed there is also a slight delay in the negative digit as well. I think it has to do with the “if” statements on lines 63 and 90. Any help would be appreciated. I’ve been racking my brain for hours on this issue!

your problem is this condition

		if (secs === 59) {
			minutes.textContent = mins;

It reduce mins by 1 every time secs hits 59 even if mins value is 0
i changed it to this and now it works

		if (secs === 59 && mins > 0) {
			minutes.textContent = mins;
		}else if(secs === 59 && mins <= 0){
    minutes.textContent = initialBreak-1;
    mins = initialBreak
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wow, thanks @elad! That solved the issue. I appreciate your help.

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