Pomodoro Clock with testable user stories - Guinea Pigs needed šŸ¹

As you may have heard, @no-stack-dub-sack and @Weezlo have been hard at work building projects with testable user stories. We are looking for a few volunteers to attempt to build these based on their automated tests.

The goal is for campers to be able to build these projects step by step following user stories. This will make the projects less intimidating and more fun. Oh, and donā€™t worry - weā€™ll still have plenty of optional projects where we donā€™t provide you with any tests. And if youā€™ve previously built these projects, you donā€™t need to build them again.

Right now these are on CodePen, but we will move them over to FreeCodeCampā€™s challenge platform once we have multi-file editing (for more on this, watch this video).

Hereā€™s the Pomodoro Clock challenge:

Working example - wait for tests to run
Empty pen with test suite - fork it

If youā€™re interested in attempting this, please reply to the thread and let us know youā€™ve started it. The more people who want to build this, the better, as we can start gathering feedback.

Thanks, and happy coding!

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