Portfolio concept

I have recently build this portfolio -> http://codepen.io/dagman/full/VjwGLy/
So does it good for real use? What do u think?

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It’s cool, but not very user friendly in some ways. Here are some tips to imporove it:

  1. The icons on the left are pretty small, and the dark grey text on a dark background is a big “no no” from a user standpoint. People with bad vision can find it difficult to read the text.

  2. The “About” page probably shouldn’t have scrolling text. It’s a cool feature, but it’s really annoying for someone to read, especially for an employer that just wants to quickly get an overview of you. I’d rather see a plain page with still text, and instead you could focus on adding effects to items on that page that does not hinder someone from reading it in their own speed.

  3. The “back arrow” in the top left corner is also pretty small. For the same reason as #1 I would advice you to make it more visible.

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Hi @dagman. I appreciate your minimalist style, but I think it’s too minimalist! If you want your portfolio to help you get a job, then you have to balance the desire to express your technical and artistic talents with the real needs of the users of the site: recruiters or potential clients. That is the very essence of design.

The first page, for example, tells me absolutely nothing about you. At first I thought the page was stuck loading, and then I tried scrolling expecting there to be something else below. Only after a few seconds did I notice the icons on the left. Who knows if a potential recruiter or client will look around for information like I did? I would advise at least adding your name and perhaps a page title or job title or something on there.

As @AWulkan said, the ‘about’ page doesn’t really tell me much more about you, either. The blur effect on the ‘projects’ page is a offputting, too. In all, your portfolio is a good technical show case, but it doesn’t communicate enough about who you are and what you’re trying to do.

Good from a technical standpoint! Interesting effects and animations. Maybe look at a card layout for some content? Something like Foundation or Bootstrap 4 (among others as well). Or just use CSS. Cards are easy to organize and navigate, and handle small bits of text content and images very well. And could be easier to read if formatted properly. Otherwise you really coming along pretty good technically!