Portfolio feedback! On my portfolio

This took me a good few days, and I started to feel a bit discouraged towards the end (especially with the portfolio section which Is still don’t really like) but its finally finished!

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There is a horizontal scroll on this page, which shouldn’t be there.

The <div class="row"> under “About Us” section is causing this. If you are using row css class with a div element then it’s parent element should have the css class of container OR container-fluid.

If you add a parent div there with container-fluid, it will remove that horizontal scroll bar.

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Hey. Good job on finishing it. There are still some things you should be paying attention to. Like the fixed heights you gave your sections. Without them, they’ll look better already (and you profile image won’t go over your portfolio).

As for your portfolio, if you don’t want the images to be that big while resizing the page, just add another breakpoint and maybe some padding. In your case, adding col-sm-6 to each of your div wrapping your images will make them behave better. They would look like this:

<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-12 p-2">

Your header and the rest is good. Nice work!

Hi, your portfolio looks awesome!
I’m just starting on mine and having some trouble.
Do you mind sharing some resources that you used to get through it?