Portfolio Feedback/suggestions

Hi guys its been a long time coming I finally created my portfolio I need any feedback or suggestions if you have any? also do you guys think i can get a job with my current skills ? My portfolio is at github I will attach a link to it.

Hi Abdullah,

Very eye-catching! Here are a few comments/opinions:

  • the loading “Welcome” page could become annoying to the user who is just trying to see your portfolio and it doesn’t provide any critical informatoin about yourself. I’d do away with it if it isn’t necessary or at least provide a way to skip past.

  • in mobile-size view, after choosing from hamburger menu, would be nice if the menu closes itself. Also, might want to put that menu on the right side where the icon is.

  • your About section needs some work in different screen sizes. The “Experience”, “Education”, and “Hobbies” divs are overlapping your intro text in smaller screen sizes. In larger screen size, you should push them down further, since seeing the top of them looks a bit strange when reading the intro text.

  • In Projects section, same thing with divs not looking right in smaller screen sizes.

  • I can’t get the footer to stay visible when I reach the bottom of the page.

hope this helps!
