Portfolio in tatters

I am struggling to finish off this project. I have tried all I could but I cant find where I am going wrong. Can you guys peruse this code of mine to see where the problem is and advise me accordingly? Your input is highly appreciated. Thank you so much. The is: https://codepen.io/tsar777/pen/LYYoGVb

Can you describe what the problem is?

Honestly speaking I really don’t know. What is happening is that the project doesn’t pass the test. I have tried what I thought could be the problem but still it fails. Now I am stuck.

So it looks like you’re only failing one test:

  1. The height of the welcome section should be equal to the height of the viewport.

If you look at the sentence right below that it should give you a hint:

The height of #welcome-section is not equal to the height of the viewport : expected 550 to be close to 520 +/- 1

The numbers will vary depending on the size of your screen, but you can see that the height of your welcome-section (520px) is 30px less than what is expected (550px).

Any idea where that extra 30px is coming from? Hint: check your css inside the#welcome-section selector.

My most profound thankfulness to your intelligent insight concerning my problem. You actually solved it, though it was the width dimensions which were a problem. Now I am a happy man thanks to you.

Thanks a million times.