Portfolio Page - Decided I was done with it... for now

Hello and welcome! I would love to see what you guys have to say about my portfolio that I have been slaving away at for the past week or so. I just wasn’t satisfied at each deadline I set for myself and found myself squirreling away my time into this project. BUT, I’ve decided that enough is enough and I would love to hear some feedback. Link here: portfolio

Also, I had some issues with my work section where I could only stretch the div to contain everything if I made overflow auto. However this caused a scrollbar to appear, and I would rather it just be a solid div that matches its height to its contents with no scroll. Any thoughts?

This post might actually be my way of getting back into the project haha.

How about adding some text shadow in the home section to make the text more readable?

Without text shadow:

With text shadow

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Ooh pretty, I love the colours you chose! I agree with the previous comment that a text-shadow should do wonders.

Also, I had some issues with my work section where I could only stretch the div to contain everything if I made overflow auto. However this caused a scrollbar to appear, and I would rather it just be a solid div that matches its height to its contents with no scroll. Any thoughts?

Hm, I’m not sure if I’m understanding you correctly, but I removed height: 500px; on the #work div which was causing the scroll bar and maybe your content getting cut off. Is this what you were wanting?

More comments:

  • Don’t forget to add in the meta tag that indicates that you website is responsive. (On CodePen you can do that by just clicking the “insert most common meta tag” button on the pen settings.)
  • Somehow Bootstrap is setting the font-size of your entire page to 10px. Accdg to their docs their default font-size is 14px so I’m not sure why this is happening but this should probably be looked into, because 10px is kind of hard to read.
  • You can condense some of your CSS by comma separating elements that have the same styles

I’ve definitely considered graying out the bg image a bit to make the text more visible. Maybe I’ll try this instead! Thanks for your response

Haha thank you! These are all great insights.

Also the tip on removing height definitely worked out! Thank you for that.

Could you explain the tag part a bit? I followed your instructions but I’m not sure what it is meant to do. Is it just a formality like ?

Here’s an article about it:

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