Portfolio Page - Feedback!

Portfolio Page

Please check out my portfolio page, I’m using stock images for the display photo and projects.

Hello. Try to separate Contact me form and a list of social networks buttons. You may align the contact form in the center, while keeping buttons below it. Also, your last image portfolio has different size from other images. Make sure to correct it. Overall, your portfolio page is very good. Keep it up! :smiley:

Hi, first of all, thank you for the feedback.

Can you please explain why I should separate the contact form and social network buttons? Is it bad designing? :sweat_smile:

Yes, the last image has a different size. I can easily change the image but is there a way I can fix this?

In order to have the data-spy and hamburger menu working, in codepen settings->javascript move jquery before bs3.js. bootstrap.js needs jquery to be loaded first.

In the about section you may add the class col-sm-12 to each part that ensure you on smaller screens the divs are taking full width both for text and img class dp.

In css I would add:

  display: block;
  margin: 0 auto;
  max-height: 50vh;
  width: auto;

that will horizontally center your img and limit its height.

It’s just a common thing to have a contact form centered in the block. This way I think your website would look more user-friendly. The post above answers your question regarding image size. :smiley:

Thank you for the feedback.

The scroll-spy and hamburger works perfectly on my local machine but I could not get it to work on codepen, thank you for that. :smile:

If I’m not wrong, by adding the class col-sm-12 and img.dp, it will center the image and text in phones?

Also, can you explain why I should limit the height of the image?

Can I use the same technique to make sure that the iamges in the skills section are alse centered in responsive mode?

Thank you. I shall the change the design.