Portfolio page -- material design themed


I just got my own webpage so I thought it would be fun to show it there instead of codepen :stuck_out_tongue:

Most of the links don’t go anywhere but they show a general idea of what I plan to do with the structure. If you see any red flags please let me know since they will be easier to fix since all of this html is fresh in my head right now :slight_smile:

Is this all using Polymer? It looks quite nice! good work.

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Awesome :thumbsup:

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I think the interests are spaced a bit too wide.

Good work!

A suggestion: Contact Section: Target only one input element for on click border effect. Currently the border color changes for both input field & textarea upon clicking on any of the two fields.

Looks great! The link to your weather app doesn’t seem to be working.

I used fezvrasta’s material design theme for bootstrap :slight_smile:

Thank you for catching that, as soon as I saw it was working I was just so happy that I didn’t pay attention to that haha