Portfolio Review-and-Feedback

Finally finished this project.

Took some time trying to polish this one up. What do you guys think? Any areas that can use improvement? Thanks for viewing

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A lot of your links don’t go to where they say they will.

I’d have all of your projects and your certificates open up in a new window.

This starts happening at mobile sizes:

I like the over all look of everything and the colors you’ve chosen.

Finished updating it afew days ago. thank you for the feedback, took what you said and added fixes on them. :smiley:

Nice job… looks really good to me!

Something I’ve only recently discovered through these boards and have found valuable is this menu:
If you use Analyze CSS/Tidy CSS it helps alot to make the code look a lot cleaner.

Interesting… I used the CSS validator at https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator
to find any errors and it did not catch that duplicate.

Thanks for the screenshot, just updated the code ! :smiley: