Potential Infinite Loop error for large n values

Tell us what’s happening:
Somehow, “potental infinite loop” flags me down for the biggest number. In browser i’m getting really good speeds, but the code-editor flags me down.

i don’t think there’s math formulas for this, I’ve looked.

Your code so far

function primeSummation(n) {

let arr = 0;
    let temp = n;

    for (let x = temp; x >= 2; x--)
        // debugger;
        const isEven = x % 2 === 0;
        let inc = isEven ? 1 : 2;
        let factors = [1, x];
        temp = factors[1]

        for (var check = isEven ? 2 : 3; check <= Math.sqrt(x); check += inc)
          if (x % check !== 0) 
        if (x === 1 || x === n) return;


    return arr;

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Challenge: Problem 10: Summation of primes

Link to the challenge: