Problem with animation

//quriios as to what the below code does or how it works. Specifically 
  var el = document.getElementById('quoteSection'); = 'none'; //this line of code
  el.offsetWidth; /* trigger reflow */ //this line of code = null;  //and this line of code

i had a question about the above. I am using this code to make my animation start over after each click
It does work but I dont know why or how it works.

Can this be done using JQuery?
I changed the current code in my project to use Jquery fadeIn property and it does look nicer, but i still want to know what the above code does.
link to codpen

Did you get it from this stackoverflow post?

Just set the animation property via JavaScript to “none” and then set a timeout that changes the property to “”, so it inherits from the CSS again.

No need in timeout, use reflow to apply the change:

I believe the reflow causes styles to be recalculated

// Set animation to none, i.e. remove the animation = 'none';

// reflow causes styles to be recalculated

// Changes the property to "", so it inherits from the CSS again. = null;
or = "";

Not sure how to chain the last 3 calls in jquery, but this seems to work.

$("#axios,#jquery,#xhrReq").click(function() {
    .on("animationend webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd")
  $("#quoteSection").css("animation", "none");
  $("#quoteSection").css("animation", "");