Problem with "hr" tag

I am currently taking the lessons on Applied Visual design. i placed the “hr” tag where i was specified to but the system doesn’t pass me. help! help! help!

I was able to figure it out. i swapped the "em’ tag and the “p” tag.

I’ve encountered the same problem…

How did you swapped “em” and “p” tags in “hr” tag?

place the “p” tag before the “em” tag. do same for the closing tags. you’ll be good to go

The system Checks for the ending “h4” tag and the beginning of the “p” tag. if the “hr” tag is in between them, it passes else throws an error. in this case, after the “h4” tag, what the system picks is the “em” tag instead of the “p” tag.

I’ve changed the order of “p” and “em” tags and the system accepted “hr” tag after “/h4”…

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