Product Landing Page - Build a Product Landing Page

Tell us what’s happening:

I clearly remember i finished this create Product Landing Page project last week . It took me several hours to pass the test n give desired stunning css but i was stupid enough to not save my project code anywhere else but FCC only . I SUCCESSFULLY FINISHED THE PROJECT, PASSED ALL TEST CASES AND IT SHOWS IT AS MARKED /COMPLETED EXERCISE BUT DOES NOT SHOW MY PROJECT CODE [i’m crying]
tho i see manyOther similar issue on forum but didn’t find a way to retrieve Code. IsThereAnyWayToGetTheCodeBack?

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0

Challenge Information:

Product Landing Page - Build a Product Landing Page

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Hello @anjalpandey73!

Do not worry - worst case scenario you end up building it all over again, which can’t be that bad for your programming skills. At the same time, let’s see if we can retrieve the lost code.

This sounds hopeful. Could you clarify a bit? Did you click the button to save the code when you were finished making it? If you did, it should be there and its disappearance could be a temporary browser glitch. If you didn’t, then it might be lost for good.

Another question: do you see your completed project? As in, do you see the actual page on the right? If that is empty and your code section is empty then it is lost.

Is your completed Product Landing Page visible anywhere at all? Even if you don’t have the code, if you have the webpage you can always enter the browser console and find the missing code.

I’m hoping that since it shows that you completed it it’s still somewhere there, although that might be removed if you press"Run the Tests" again.

Please give as much info as possible and, of course, don’t worry about it. I’ve lost code too and I’ve always learned something new in the process of redoing it.



Hello and welcome to the forum @anjalpandey73 !

I am sorry that it appears the code for your Product Landing Page project has disappeared.

Try the following to see if it is available.

Click on Menu
Choose Settings
Scroll down until you find Projects
Click on the text “Build a Product Landing Page”

I have not completed mine. But, I have saved it and when I click on the text of the project, my code appears.

I hope this helps you.

Wishing you good progress on your coding journey. :slightly_smiling_face:


No, I can not see it anywhere ,unfortunately, neither on FCC “run the test code editor” nor in the project preview or under the user profile page where everything else is saved and listed, all the challenge i took a minute before , a day before and after everything is saved in listed in the profile timeline but i wonder if it is not save for whatever reasons why does it marked as completed project ? that doesn’t make sense.

I agree that i probably didn’t clicked the ctr+s to save the code when i finished cuz i never do lol but i never lost any progress it automatically saves it but i don’t know what happened this time…

moreover i’m angry on my ownself as i always share the code snippet on codepen n make a post on linkden but this this i put in so much time n efforts styling the page that i didn’t make a post of completion anywhere or i would’ve saved the copy of code … btw thank you so much for u quick response and understanding . Have a great day !

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In this case it is not very likely you will be able to retrieve it. I would start working on another one if you haven’t already.

While I’m not sure what exactly is going on here, it seems like this might be why:

  • You finished the project (without saving the code!) and ran the tests.
  • You passed the tests and it marked your project as completed.
  • You closed the window and, since you did not save your code, the next time you logged in it was missing, as you say.
  • However, the page has not been updated to check whether you have now passed the tests. It just remembers that, at some point in the past, you have passed the tests, and unless you press “Run the tests” again, it will keep showing that you have completed the project.

fCC has a bit of a clumsy user interface sometimes on their curriculum, so that’s why it is so confusing. It took me months myself to figure out little details like these.

You don’t have to press ctr+s - you can also just press the “Save your Code” button. I have tried using ctr+s and it never worked for me for some reason. The button is the safest. There should be a green notification banner popping out from the top of the page confirming that your code is saved when you do this.
That’s interesting that your code was always saved before automatically. I have no explanation for this. It has never happened in my experience. Something to do with the browser, for sure. It might save website data in more detail than mine.

You’re welcome and have a great day as well.