Product Landing Page Finished - Feedback Needed

Hi, i have completed my project on product landing page. The contents on my page goes off target because found it difficult finding a product to build on. Anywhere I would be happy if you share your thoughts or feedback about my page design, particularly about the mobile and tablet layout design. I always find it difficult designing for those display sizes. Your suggestions and advice will help me a lot. Thanks.
Link to my page :

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Hey Mark,

great job so far! :clap:

Clearly seeing you making steady progress, although your tribute page and survey form already were very good.

My ideas:

  • all tests pass, awesome!

  • on my wide screen, the about us text is hard to read, because the lines are very long, font size and line height are rather small

  • in the range of 420px-600px screen width, the join us today button breaks:


  • there is also a width range where it is hard for me to read the text boxes:


Keep us posted and keep up the great work!

I have applied are the suggestions to the page. Please take a look if its okay

One question: what are the appropriate screen dimensions sizes I should use when designing for mobile and tablet devices

Great work!

In Firefox and Chrome Dev Tools you can hit CTRL + SHIFT + M to toggle the Responsive Design Mode.

I use these devices:

You can change the current device in the red box.

From time to time I click through all devices and have a look if the site looks good on all of them. It’s not perfect, but it helps a lot.

Thanks for sharing. I will take a look and use it when building websites

This is quite good! I have nothing to add. Keep up the good work.