Product Landing Page - Project Feedback

Hi all!

This is my product landing page project, and I would really appreciate any feedback on the layout, code, etc. I started my FCC and coding journey a month ago and want to continue to build my knowledge in web development.




Hi, ald-pag
I’ve seen your landing page, and I found it really nice. The only suggestion I can give to you is changing the prices for Light Roast, Medium Roast and Dark Roast because if they are different products, they are supposed to be different prices as well.

Well done, keep it up !!

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HI @ald-pag !

Welcome to the forum!

I think your project looks good.
A few thoughts from me :slight_smile:

You might consider adding a smooth scroll to the page so when a user clicks on the nav link it has a smooth scroll down to that section.

For github, you don’t want to push up your DS_Store.
It is not needed for the project.

You can create a .gitignore file and add this line to it.


As you start to build out more complex projects with different libraries and frameworks you will be using the .gitignore file a lot with more content in it.

Keep up the good work! :+1:

Thanks for the feedback @jwilkins.oboe! And thanks for the github tip! I’ll make sure to use .gitignore as I build future projects.

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