Product Landing, Technical Documentation and Portfolio projects feedback, please

Hello to everyone. I’ve just finished my last project from Responsive Web Design and would like to hear some feedback on them. Feel free to criticise if you think something was done poorly by me. Any feedback is appreciated.

With the portfolio it’s nice work especially with the animations. However, some colors used are not appealing to me like the green one in the last bit. Also the navigation menu is still lacking especially on the desktop vp

your page layout is loosing alignment upon resize, use either flexbox or grid for product landing to make it responsive


documentation, no scroll on navbar

I would recommend you to strenghten your concepts regarding flex and grid layout , to make proper responsive designs

Landing page is just plain pain in the ass for me. Blocks hop around like crazy there. I think i need some help there, cause i just can’t get why block with text on the second part move around if i put text inside or if i remove it. First block works fine, i made it and then just filled with the text, but the second one i had to fill with the text first and only then move it around.
Navigation on Documentation is completely reworked for 480 screens(phones), i haven’t made for other resolutions yet cause i’m not sure if i done 480 right, waiting for some testing with other devices.

What kind of desktop vp?