Profile page - Ive put effort to make it fully responsive

Hi there fellow coders. It’s saturday evening and I’m listening to techno. The perfect time to finish my portfolio and to share it with you guys. Maybe due to the time difference there’s actually some people who can comment on it. I would appreciate that a lot!

I’ve put special effort in:

  • Picking a weird color scheme (I tend to stick with the safer colors)
  • Make it fully responsible.

Here’s the website

Questions I have or tips I’d love to get:

  • What should I do with the line ‘Check out a couple of website I’ve build below.’. I didnt want to make a h2 or anything. Maybe an arrow which points towards the websites?
  • How can I line the four portfolio websites out with the About and Contact containers. The portfolio containers are in a container too, but I can’t seem to line them out correctly

Any other feedback is welcome too! Thank you guys.

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Hey Mark, +1 for Wordpress and journalism that’s cool!

On mobile, your skype, linkedin, etc. pictures need to be smaller. I see four huge icons, it would be better with them smaller and centered in a row. I like the colors. I think your portfolio is fine without an h2 or anything, it looks like its own distinct section.

A couple typos:
Check out the websites I’ve built (not build) below
August and January need to be capitalized

Looks great! You’ll need to fix your social media icons though. They aren’t linking through to your profiles when clicked on.

Thanks guys! I’ll be sure to fix the typo’s.
And the logo’s indeed need to be smaller. Was having a hard time fixing that, but I’m going to look in to that too. (including linking).