Progress goals--peer accountability

I’ma just drop this in “General” here, though I think it would be awesome if a Category could be made for the topic of learning progress, peer encouragement toward progress, and optimizing one’s lifestyle for learning.

I just posted my weather app after six weeks of no (significant) accomplishments, and would like to avoid that kind of gap in the future. I ultimately got it done because I went on my local Facebook fCC group and publicly named a date that I wanted to have it finished by (as it was I “turned it in” a day later). Since that worked so well, I want to do the same here for my next goal (and will post in my local group as well). Realistically, looking at the next couple of weeks:

  1. I want to complete the Roman Numeral algorithm by 6/29, and some other algorithm by 7/6 (I think it’s important to continue working on these “easier” algorithms at the same time as projects, to not let “pure” JS skills get rusty)
  2. I want to complete the Wikipedia Viewer project by July 17.

I realize that’s still a lot of time from now, but looking at the calendar of the next few weeks I think that’s about how it’s going to go. So here I am publicly naming these dates–I’d appreciate it if someone would hold me to it, and pop in to ask me how it’s going, and I’d be honored to do the same for anybody.

A few people have started conversations here about finding a partner or “buddy” for similar reasons. It sounds like you might also enjoy that.