Tell us what’s happening:
Today, I started this bash introduction course, all went well until i reached project five. At this point I realized all other files created before were “gone” after using the “Reset” button, which is a bit confusing, since you’re supposed to use the four first programs in the fifth. Playing around trying to find the lost files, the workspace disconnected and all the progress got reset to 0.
This evening, (after crying about it all day), I decided to start over, which took me more than a hour, and now that I reached the fortune program, and the tests wouldn’t pass unless the other files are gone. Which is fine, I saved them on a git.
Since i’ve been working in a VS Code remote workspace, I thought it could simpl be a sync issue so I tried to “Reset” on the gitpod workspace, to see if I could Reset without all the files disappearing, and the progress got reset to the first instruction. I have to re-re-start ?
Your code so far
Current situation :
On gitpod : first instruction “Open a terminal…”
On VS Code, which I haven’t closed yet, the file, with the shebang, and the “Run” tests won’t pass.
P.S : The “Reset” button doesn’t get me anywhere
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Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs - Build Five Programs