Project 5: Almost done, Formatting Issue-Help!

Hi! I’m almost done with my project 5: personal portfolio. I completed the user stories. I made the project responsive except the last page, which I need to fix on laptop first.

I have a formatting issue at the bottom of the project. It seems like a newbie question to me, but I don’t know how to fixed it. I can’t get the contact links below the coffee mug icon. I tried to make the “lets work together” section a block element to take up the whole space and make the links inline, but that doesn’t seem to work.

Please help!

even though I’m almost done with css, I feel I barely understand css grid, and I feel like quite an amateur at css Flexbox. but I don’t want to spend too much time on it, because I’m about to start learning basic javascript after this project.

Cannot troubleshoot a screenshot. You should post a link to your pen/project.

oops sorry! here you go.

Looks like you’ve figured it out…good job.

You’ll need to build more than one or two projects to understand it better.
Trust me, I still have issues with it from time to time.

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Keep tinkering around with flexbox and you’ll get it! I like to put borders on all my containers and elements while I’m writing the html so I can better visualize the layout. Definitely check out flexbox froggy if you haven’t already!

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