Project completion issue

I have finsihed the first project of the front end course. However, I was unable to pass the tests in the to be qualified. My program runs just fine like it is expected to. The problem is that I didn’t follow the user stories given in the project detail as I felt more comfortable figuring out stuff on my own. But it caused me to fail the tests even though the program can run similarly to the given example. Is there a way to fix this or do I have to rewrite my code to entirely match the user stories?

Challenge: Build a Random Quote Machine

Link to the challenge:

User stories are defining what is expected for a project. As long as they are fulfilled, other details, ways of implementing, etc. are up to you.

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If you are a house builder and someone gives you the blueprints to the house that they want, you don’t get to build whatever you want. If you don’t meet the user stories, then you did not do what was asked.

In the real software world, this is very common. You may have to build a component that meets very specific design requirements, very specific functionality, have a very specific structure with specific ids (for tests to hook into), and consume a specific API that hasn’t been built yet so you have to just meet the agreed upon specs. In many ways, with these projects, you have a lot more freedom than most developers have in the real world.

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thanks for your input. Appreciated!

I get it now. Thank you so much for your explaination!

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