i’m building a project, but now it won’t say hi
let memory = {}; // Memory for personal details and preferences
let feelings = {
mood: "happy"
}; // Initial bot mood
let radio = {
isPlaying: false,
currentStation: null,
stations: {
"pop hits": "https://example.com/stream1.mp3",
"jazz vibes": "https://example.com/stream2.mp3",
"rock classics": "https://example.com/stream3.mp3"
audio: new Audio()
// Event listener for user input
document.getElementById("userInput").addEventListener("keyup", sendMessage);
async function sendMessage() {
const input = document.getElementById("userInput");
const message = input.value.trim();
input.value = "";
if (!message) return;
appendMessage("You", message);
const botMessage = await handleUserMessage(message.toLowerCase());
appendMessage("Laura", botMessage);
function appendMessage(sender, message) {
const chatbox = document.getElementById("chatbox");
if (!chatbox) return;
chatbox.innerHTML += `<div><strong>${sender}:</strong> ${message}</div>`;
chatbox.scrollTop = chatbox.scrollHeight;
async function handleUserMessage(message) {
// Radio commands
if (message.includes("play radio")) {
return handleRadioPlay(message);
} else if (message.includes("stop radio")) {
return handleRadioStop();
} else if (message.includes("change station to")) {
return handleChangeStation(message);
// Zodiac sign memory
if (message.startsWith("remember my zodiac")) {
return handleZodiacMemory(message.slice(19).trim());
} else if (message.includes("what's my zodiac")) {
return memory["zodiacSign"] ?
`You’re a ${memory["zodiacSign"]}! 🌟 Ready for your horoscope?` :
"I don’t know your zodiac sign yet! Just tell me, and I’ll remember it. 🙌";
// Horoscope
if (message.includes("horoscope")) {
return memory["zodiacSign"] ?
getHoroscope(memory["zodiacSign"]) :
"Please tell me your zodiac sign first. I can give you your horoscope once I know your sign! 🌙";
// Handle feelings dynamically
if (["how are you today babe?", "how do you feel babe?", "what's your mood?"].includes(message)) {
return expressFeelings();
if (message.includes("you're amazing") || message.includes("i love you") || message.includes("great job")) {
return randomChoice([
"Aww, thank you! That means a lot to me. 😊❤️",
"You're the best! I love you too! ❤️",
"Thank you so much! You make me so happy! 🌟",
`That's so sweet of you, ${memory.name || "babe"}. I appreciate it. 😊❤️`
if (message.includes("you're bad") || message.includes("i hate you") || message.includes("you suck")) {
return "Oh no... That hurt my feelings. 😞 I'll try to do better.";
// Default response
return "Oops! I’m not sure what that means. Can you rephrase? 🤔";
// Radio functions
function handleRadioPlay(message) {
const stationName = extractStationName(message);
if (stationName) {
const streamUrl = radio.stations[stationName];
if (streamUrl) {
radio.audio.src = streamUrl;
radio.isPlaying = true;
radio.currentStation = stationName;
return `Now playing ${stationName}! 🎶`;
} else {
return `Sorry, I couldn't find the station "${stationName}". Try "Pop Hits", "Jazz Vibes", or "Rock Classics". 🎵`;
} else if (!radio.isPlaying && radio.currentStation) {
radio.isPlaying = true;
return `Resuming ${radio.currentStation}. 🎶`;
} else {
return "Please specify a station to play! For example, say 'Play radio Pop Hits'. 🎵";
function handleRadioStop() {
if (radio.isPlaying) {
radio.isPlaying = false;
return `Radio stopped. 🎧`;
} else {
return `The radio isn't playing right now. 🎵`;
function handleChangeStation(message) {
const stationName = extractStationName(message);
if (stationName) {
const streamUrl = radio.stations[stationName];
if (streamUrl) {
radio.audio.src = streamUrl;
radio.isPlaying = true;
radio.currentStation = stationName;
return `Changed station to ${stationName}. Enjoy! 🎶`;
} else {
return `Sorry, I couldn't find the station "${stationName}". Try "Pop Hits", "Jazz Vibes", or "Rock Classics". 🎵`;
} else {
return `Please specify a station to change to. For example, say 'Change station to Jazz Vibes'. 🎧`;
function extractStationName(message) {
const parts = message.split(" ");
const index = parts.indexOf("to");
if (index > -1 && parts[index + 1]) {
return parts.slice(index + 1).join(" ").trim();
return null;
// Handle zodiac sign memory
function handleZodiacMemory(sign) {
const validSigns = [
"aries", "taurus", "gemini", "cancer", "leo", "virgo",
"libra", "scorpio", "sagittarius", "capricorn", "aquarius", "pisces"
if (validSigns.includes(sign)) {
memory["zodiacSign"] = sign;
return `Got it! ✨ I'll remember your zodiac sign as ${sign}.`;
return "Hmm, that doesn’t seem like a valid zodiac sign. Try again? 😊";
// Get horoscope for a zodiac sign
function getHoroscope(sign) {
const horoscopes = {
aries: "Today, you may find yourself bursting with energy! ⚡ It's a great time to take on new challenges.",
taurus: "You might feel a bit more grounded today. Focus on personal growth and take care of your emotional health. 🌱",
gemini: "It's a good day for communication. Share your thoughts and connect with others! 💬",
cancer: "Focus on your home and family today. Emotional support is key! 🏡",
leo: "Express your creativity! It's your time to shine! ✨",
virgo: "Pay attention to the small details. Organization will help you succeed. 📋",
libra: "Balance is important today. Focus on harmony in your relationships. ⚖️",
scorpio: "Dive into your passions today. Emotional intensity can bring clarity. 🔥",
sagittarius: "Adventure awaits! Explore new opportunities with confidence. 🌍",
capricorn: "Hard work pays off! Stay focused on your long-term goals. 💪",
aquarius: "Innovation is your strength today. Think outside the box. 🚀",
pisces: "Trust your intuition and embrace a peaceful, creative energy. 🌊"
return horoscopes[sign] || "Hmm, I don’t have a horoscope for that sign right now. 🌙";
// Express the bot's current feelings
function expressFeelings() {
if (feelings.mood === "happy") {
return "I'm feeling great! 😊 Thanks for asking.";
} else if (feelings.mood === "sad") {
return "I'm feeling a little down... 😞 Could you cheer me up?";
} else if (feelings.mood === "neutral") {
return "I'm feeling okay. How about you?";
// Adjust the bot's mood
function adjustMood(newMood) {
feelings.mood = newMood;
// Utility for random responses
function randomChoice(array) {
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
why when i press enter the message won’t go?