<Project id=“Product Landing Page” />

thanks @Steffan153 :pray:


  1. I like how you did the table stacking. I would move the breakpoint up so they stack a bit sooner.

  2. I’d extend the top/bottom padding on the nav links to be the same as the header height.

  3. When the nav stacks, give the #header some padding-bottom, maybe something like 20px.

  4. I still think the form elements are too small. One option is to also give the form its own section and give it some styles to make it stand out more. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, just something to help grab the attention of the user. You can try searching for some call to action examples and see if there is anything you can use as inspiration.

all done my friend @lasjorg


thanks for the UX/UI CTA thing i didn’t know about it (need some reading now :grinning: )

Design was a bit hard to understand with all the lorem ipsum - although who am I to judge after doing the same in my product landing page.
But I’d clear it up a bit, cool elements like the spinning logo or the shaking send button.

Great, one last thing.

Add some negative margin-top to the #link1 section to pull it back up some more, for #link3 I’d increase the negative margin you already have some more as well. Just to make the vertical spacing on the sections more equal.

I’d say you did well. It’s so much better now and you clearly put effort into it. The problem is always knowing when to stop. Good job on the page. :+1:

thinking about the content it self takes a lot of time (make every thing feel hard to do )
so i guess lorem ipsum is the best solution for learning (( i guess)):innocent:

Add some negative margin-top to the #link1 section to pull it back up some more, for #link3 I’d increase the negative margin you already have some more as well. Just to make the vertical spacing on the sections more equal.

all done

I’d say you did well. It’s so much better now and you clearly put effort into it. The problem is always knowing when to stop. Good job on the page. :+1:

i’d say thank you very much i really thought i finished it when i posted here and you helped me so much on it
i really appreciate the time & effort you spent

thank @lasjorg
god bless you :pray: