Project thumbnail in last project for Web Design Certification

So, I’m at the final project of the Responsive Web Design Certification, I want to use a similar approach as the example,, given when it comes to showing the projects cause I also want to show thumbnails of the projects but I don’t know how.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thx in advance for the help!

A front-end dev rookie

I used a manual method I believe get an auto thumbnail would require JavaScript which haven’t been covered

Get a screenshot of the individual project and use it as a clickable image

  1. Get the screenshot
  2. Upload to an online place where you can get the image link
    3 place the image in-between “< a>” element to make it clickable
    4 use the image link for the img scr and use the project link of each project for the “< a>” href
    So each image should be the linked to the right project

Oh ok,thx for the assistance m8!