Psychology student adventuring into coding

Hello, my name is Enrique and as the title says, I’m a psychology student. During this winter vacations got bored and started watching some videos about linux and OpenSource stuff. I liked that, although understood just a little. Then, after a few weeks messing around with a Xubuntu distro on my Macbook decided to get into coding. I found about freeCodeCamp on YouTube (A video about ethical hacking) and signed in and started learning. It’s been only three days of this, but it’s been quite exciting.

I’m not a very tech guy. I use my laptop to write some papers and play some games now and then. However, to see the “Hello World” on my screen because I wrote some lines of code made me feel happy. I write this thread because I’ve never been in a community like this, and my close friends are social science students, not the tech guys I might need to relate to find some help if needed along this new coding path. Hope I’m welcomed into this community and that in a years ahead I might call myself a developer.

Ps. Also, I think I might make great things combining coding and psychology.

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Hey Enrique! Welcome to the community! I absolutely love FreeCodeCamp, and actually was able to change careers to a Full Stack Developer because of what I learned here. Keep at it, and good luck!

Hi @JEnriqueGongora, welcome on the FCC forum.

I’ve also studied psychology, worked in mental health care and then switched to User Interaction (UX) and Front End Development. I like the combination of the two. It’s very satisfying to build my own user friendly design.

With your knowledge of psychology you might be interested in UX as well.

I’ve finished several courses at the Interaction Design Foundation. It’s not free, but very cheap and you’ll be able to use the FCC knowledge there and vice versa. They are especially good in explaining the theory behind UX. I liked those courses.

I wish you lots of success with your studies (all of them :grinning:)!

Hey, Enrique!

Welcome to freeCodeCamp!
Psychology works great with programming especially if you want to work with statistics, big data and graphs.

in a years ahead I might call myself a developer.

It is absolutely doable! I landed my first job as a Jr Web Developer after 6 months of learning.

Keep it up!