Python 3.6: Text Eraser Program

All I want is to find and “erase” the given characters from a string. Why is it giving me an error?

data = "<html><head>Srujan</head></html>"
tof = "Srujan"

toflen = len(tof)
posc = data.find(tof)

adata = list(data)

while posc + toflen > posc:
    adata[posc] = " "
    posc += 1

ndata = "".join(adata)
print (ndata)

The Error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:/Scripts/", line 10, in <module>
    adata[posc] = ''
IndexError: list assignment index out of range

Thank you for your help!

Thank you so much for your reply; I understood what you are trying to say with zero indexing in arrays. I modified the code but I am getting back the same string just as the input without any changes that I want. Here:

data = "<html><head>Srujan</head></html>"
tof = "Srujan"

#length determinants
toflen = len(tof)
radtlen = len(data)

posc = data.find(tof)

#spliting the data into an array of individual characters including spaces.
adata = list(data)

posx = toflen + posc
endx = radtlen - posx

while posx < endx:
    adata[posc] = " "
    posc += 1

#create new data
ndata = "".join(adata)

print (ndata)

The Output:

