Python - Arithmetic Arranger (Can't print problems side by side)

Since I last posted here I was able to advance in my solution. I had to rewrite the entire code, but now it looks more easy to eye and smart than my previous draft.

However, now I am facing two issues :

first one is:

I want my function to return the solutions side by side. I was able to to come up with a solution to print the problems in a way that they are right aligned. But, the problems are not returned side by side. If someone could shed a light on this for me, I would be super grateful.

the second issue is kinda funny:

When I tell python to return the output (the variable that holds the formatted solution to the problems) it only shows the first problem. However, if I write print(), it shows all the problems.

Here is my code:

def arithmetic_arranger(self):

#---Checks if the length of the list is larger than 5. 
    if len(self)>5:
        return 'Error: Too many problems'        

 #--Beginning of the For Loop   
    for each_index in self:
        each_index = each_index.replace(' ','')
 #------If/else block, the operator will have different values depending on which operator is present in the string.       
        if '+' in each_index:
            operator = '+'
        elif '-' in each_index:
            operator = '-'
            return 'Error: Operator must either be + or -'
#-------Assigning the variables to compose the operands and result.        
        n = each_index.index(operator)
        operand_one = each_index[0:n]
        operand_two = each_index[n+1:]
        combinedoperands = operand_one+operand_two
        num1 = int(operand_one)
        num2 = int(operand_two)
#-------Checks if the operands have only digits.
        if combinedoperands.isdigit() == False:
            return ' Numbers must only contain digits'
#-------Checks operands lengths
        if len(operand_one) >4:
            return 'Numbers cannot be more than four digits'
        elif len(operand_two)>4:
            return 'Numbers cannot be more than four digits'
#------Based on the value of the operator, the operation will change.        
        if operator =='+':
            addition = num1+num2
            result = str(addition)
        elif operator =='-':
            if num1>num2:
                minus = num1-num2
                minus = num2-num1
#-------Assigning variables that will compose the display of the problem.            

        left_margin = ' '            
        slashn = '\n'
        whitespace =''
        left_space =''
#------If/else block to adjust the formating of the output depending on the length of the smaller operand.
        if len(operand_one) > len(operand_two):
            difference = len(operand_one)-len(operand_two)
            whitespace = ' '*difference

        elif len(operand_one) < len(operand_two):
            difference = len(operand_two)-len(operand_one)
            left_space = ' '*difference
 #------Assigning variables to compose the output (display of the problem)       
        line_one = left_margin+left_space+operand_one
        line_two = slashn+operator+whitespace+operand_two
        dashes = '_'*len(line_two)
        line_three = slashn+dashes
        line_four= slashn+left_margin+result

#------Here is where I come up with the second issue, regarding the return/print function            
        output = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(line_one,line_two,line_three,line_four)
        # return output

    #If I don't leave this command here, the output will show the value None 
    return ' '

And here is the output:

+ 7

Wow… I think this is gonna be tricky, but I am gonna try it.
The creators of this course deserve a high praise. Three months ago I knew nothing of Python and now I am reading forums, documentation, I even created a github profile so I can update my code through git bash.

This is the first of the five challenges required for the certification but I already feel like I learned a lot.

So I should find a way to only use the return function after all iterations happened.

Thank you for your answer. It is 2 am here where I live, but as soon as I wake up I’m going the editor.

I got it! Now I just have to see if replit is gonna be ok with it

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