Python Time Calculator Project Feedback

Hi all!

I’m working on completing my first certification and I’ve just completed the python time calculator. I accomplished the goal - passing all the tests, but I know there were probably 100 better ways to get there. I was hoping to get some specific feedback on where I could optimize.

Things I know already:

  • my variable names are crap - I ended up with too many similar things and ran out of ways to differentiate them.

Thanks in advance!

Here’s the link to my project:
Here’s my code:

def add_time(start, duration, *WD):
    #split out the time
    time = start.split(" ")

    #split minutes and hours
    spltime = time[0].split(":")

    #convert to intergers
    hr = int(spltime[0])
    min = int(spltime[1])

    #figure out military time
    if "PM" in start:
        milhr = hr + 12
        milhr = hr

    #split duration into hours and minutes
    durspl = duration.split(":")
    durhr = int(durspl[0])
    durmin = int(durspl[1])

    #add duration to start time
    milendhr = milhr + durhr
    milendmin = min + durmin

    #convert minutes over 60 to hours
    if milendmin > 60:
        endhr = milendhr + (milendmin // 60)
        endmin = milendmin - (60 * (milendmin // 60))
        endmin = milendmin
        endhr = milendhr

    if endhr > 24:
        #figure out days later (n)
        n = endhr // 24
        #convert into 1 day
        nexendhr = endhr - (n * 24)

    #convert out of military time
        n = 0
        nexendhr = endhr
    if nexendhr > 12:
        newendhr = nexendhr - 12
        newendhr = nexendhr
    #set 0 hour as 12
    if newendhr == 0:
        newendhr = 12

    #final AM or PM
    STOD = time[1]
    if nexendhr < 12:
        TOD = "AM"
        TOD = "PM"

    if WD:
        DOW = [
            "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday",
        for item in WD:
            #standardize capitalizaiton of WD
            day = item.lower()
            #set listday as number of day on DOW list that WD starts as
            listday = DOW.index(day)
            endday = listday + n
            # if the span is greater than a week, reset the days after 7
            if n > 7:
                Lday = endday % 7
                enddow = DOW[Lday]
                enddow = DOW[endday]

        #format the responses if WD is populated
        if n == 1:
            new_time = f"{newendhr}:{endmin:0>2d} {TOD}, {enddow.capitalize()} (next day)"
        elif n > 1:
            new_time = f"{newendhr}:{endmin:0>2d} {TOD}, {enddow.capitalize()} ({n} days later)"
            new_time = f"{newendhr}:{endmin:0>2d} {TOD}, {enddow.capitalize()}"
    #format the responses without WD
        if n == 1:
            new_time = f"{newendhr}:{endmin:0>2d} {TOD} (next day)"
        elif n > 1:
            new_time = f"{newendhr}:{endmin:0>2d} {TOD} ({n} days later)"
            new_time = f"{newendhr}:{endmin:0>2d} {TOD}"

    return new_time

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